Date: Mon, 14 Oct 1991 12:51:10 -0600 From: Subject: [*] Missing p313 for THINK C OOP Manual At least in some THINK C (v5.0) OOP manuals p313 is a duplicate. Here is the correct page, provided by Symantec on AOL. Jonathan Schultz (Iowa State University) 126 Beedle Dr A 106 - Ames, IA 50010-7648 (515) 292-3814 ResolveFileAlias ---------------- procedure ResolveFileAlias; void ResolveFileAlias (void); If the file specification is an alias, resolve it. OPEN AND CLOSE METHODS ======================= Open ---- procedure Open (permission: SignedByte); void Open (SignedByte permission); Open the file with the specified permission. This method does nothing. Subclasses must override this method. For an example of how to write an Open method, see CDataFile and other descendants of this class. Close ----- procedure Close; void Close (void); Close this file. This method does nothing. Subclasses must override this method. ACCESSING METHODS ================= GetName ------- procedure GetName (var theName: Str63); void GetName (Str63 theName); Get the name of the file. GetFSSpec --------- procedure GetFSSpec (var aFileSpec: FSSpec); void GetFSSpec (FSSpec *aFileSpec); Get an FSSpec record for this file. ExistsOnDisk ------------ function ExistsOnDisk: Boolean; Boolean ExistsOnDisk (void); Returns TRUE if there's an existing file that matches the current specification. GetMacFileInfo -------------- procedure GetMacFileInfo (var fileInfo: FInfo) void GetMacFileInfo (FInfo *fileInfo); Return the Finder information for this file. The information includes the file's type, creator, and icon position. FILING METHODS ============== CreateNew --------- procedure CreateNew (creator, fType: OSType); void CreateNew (OSType creator, OSType fType); Create new file with the specified creator and file type. This method uses the name and volume information you set up with one of the specification methods. You can use the application signature in gSignature for the creator.